
Heart to Heart is a volunteer caregiving program that helps older adults live healthy and safe with dignity in their own homes by providing assistance.

Through Heart to Heart, trained, dedicated and compassionate volunteers are matched with seniors to provide pick-up, deliveries, errands for groceries, meals, library books and more, as well as friendly telephone reassurance, or office help.

As a Heart to Heart volunteer, you will provide practical assistance in meeting the needs of the older adult(s) you serve. In doing so, you will enhance the life of your Care Receiver through socialization, concern, and support.

Volunteer Handbook:

Driver’s Guidebook:

Complete your volunteer application:


Dear Friend,

Older adults have special gifts to offer supporting other older adults. Thank you for choosing Heart to Heart as a way to embrace others in our community. Our hope is that this loving purpose will fill your heart.

We honor your compassion for others and will do our very best to support you every way we can.

In loving kindness,

Jud Knox

Get in touch

If you have any questions about volunteering with Heart to Heart, please call, email or complete our Contact Form.

We look forward to hearing from you!
